Here at PeliculasRidiculas, we are determined to provide you (the audience) with the best and most accurate critiques of some of the most, dare we say ridiculous, cult classics and downright crappy movies known to men and women alike. We do this so that you may be able to make an informed opinion on whether or not this is a motion picture you would like to...dedicate time to watch and undoubtedly enjoy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Podcast #1: Slumber Party Massacre 2

It's here, ladies and gentlemen! In our inaugural podcast, we introduce ourselves and talk a bit about our first cinematic low-blow, Slumber Party Massacre 2. Seriously, guys, this film is a damned atrocity. From the pacing to the acting to the basic task of committing images to film in a coherent manner, this movie drops the ball about four minutes in and just never recovers. Enjoy as, like a grizzled, chain-smoking mortician cutting into a murder victim, we dig into this movie's guts and try to figure out just what went wrong.

Director: Deborah Brock
Year: 1987

3.3 out of 10 stars on IMDB
35% on Rotten Tomatoes

Lucky Bastards: 3.5


Young Courtney Bates just wanted her life to be normal again. Years after the massacre that sent her sister to a mental institution and numerous others to the grave, it seemed that she was on the right track. Now in high school, amidst teenage hormones and sexual pressure, she and her band of friends plan a weekend getaway to a family condo for Courtney's birthday to play music and have a good time. Little did they know what was about to occur…

While at the condo, Courtney begins to see strange things…things that shouldn't be…as well as a strange musician haunting her dreams at night with promises of seduction. Confused at what is happening, her friends try to calm her down and attempt to help her figure it all out. That is, until the strange man becomes a reality as a rocker reincarnation of the original "driller killer" from years before. The suspense ensues as Courtney and her friends frantically strive to survive the SLUMBER PARY MASSACRE……….2!!!!!


A New Kind of Rocky Horror

Thrills, Chills and Guitar Drills
The party begins when the lights go out!

Drinking Game:

Spoiler alert: The default horror movie drinking game (e.g. every time there's boobs or someone's killed) won't get you very far here, we recommend the following:

  • Every time there's a "That's so 80's" moment
  • Every time there's a song
  • Every time you wonder why the hell everyone's putting up with that crazy Courtney girl
  • Everytime mustache man (TJ) acts like a douche
  • Every time the drummer mentions her zits
  • Every time you find yourself thinking how long the movie is (answer 75 minutes, but it sure doesn't feel like it)
  • Every time its clear the movie really wants you to be thinking about sex
  • Every time the driller killer makes you groan out loud
Warning: It is recommended that you only pick one or two of the above if you intend to have any memory of the last 30 minutes of the film. It is recommended to you pick none of the above if you intend to drive anywhere after seeing the film.

Interesting Info from Commentary:

Disclaimer: We only made it about 30 minutes in before turning it off in boredom

The movie was banned in the UK because, presumably, "the combination of sex, violence and rock and roll were too much"

The director shares an anectode about the casting of the girl who plays Courntey's sister in which apparently, the audition made her so emotional she fled the room and had to be chased down, which really impressed the casting directors. In other words...they literally hired a crazy person to play their crazy character. Predictably, they rave about what a great performance she gave in the commentary.

They considered having the actor who plays Matt (the love interest) play the driller killer as well to really beat us over the head with the psychological nature of the horror in this movie, but they decided to go with subtlety instead (discuss amongst yourselves how the quality of the movie may have been improved or weakened by this change....or don't).

Via IMDB: Former "Playboy" Playmate Kimberly McArthur had it stipulated in her contract that she wouldn't do any nudity, making her casting pretty much pointless.

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